Saturday, December 3, 2016

An Introduction of Sorts

Hello & Welcome!

     The purpose of this blog is a sort of personal log and record keeping center for the toys I often find while visiting thrift stores, yard sales and local flea markets. As an adult I've never quite left behind that fondness for encountering new and exciting toys, and I hope to share my tales here.

     It's really quite amazing the treasures that lurk in the depth of dimly lit and hidden away thrift shops or out in the open air flea markets in the early morning mist. I've found toys in pristine like new condition with crisp corners on the boxes and on the flip side there have been the beaten up and broken vintage finds that were just to unusual to leave behind.

Many of the toys that will be featured are old favorites that I remember either owning or seeing on TV while growing up in Southern California right around the turn of the millennium. As a kid I also had the distinct privilege of being the younger sister to two much older brothers and you know what that means,  hand-me-down toys! This made sure my interests were not just limited to the series and fads that were popular during my youth but also those of my brothers! 

      There will also be a fair share of toys from sets or lines that are new to me. In these instances I hope to compile as much information about these items as I can in hopes of educating myself and anyone else who decides to follow along for the ride.

